LIGHTFORM International Photographers Guild has joined the worthy project. Approximately 8,000 people took part in the walk, according to Lucille Ong, Chairperson, Philippine Business Council. More than Dh400,000 was raised on Friday at a charity walk to raise funds for those affected by the natural disasters in the Philippines.
The Filipino community was out in full force at the early morning Safa Park event — the Giothon Hakbang Buhay Walk for Life, which was buzzing with activity.
People brought their friends and families to show their support for the victims and the mood was a mix of celebration at the community coming together, and sombre recognition of the tragedy that has befallen their homeland and compatriots.
Almost two weeks of horrific storms have raised the death toll in the Philippines to more than 600, including an estimated 100 who died in landslides caused by the heavy rains.
Crowds sheltering in the shade of the park's leafy green trees were entertained by the United International Private School marching band, free Oasis water was distributed and supporter Western Union gave out free hats, bandannas and t-shirts.
The walk was organised by the Philippine Business Council (PBC) in cooperation with Giordano and with the support of the Philippine Consulate General in Dubai, and Western Union, under the auspices of the Red Crescent Authority (RCA — Dubai Chapter). All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Philippine National Red Cross.